Our FAST appointments were created in response to a need from parents who, faced with an immediate problem, require some guidance on how to handle the situation best.

Frequently, our practitioners become available, at short notice, to respond to parents who may find comfort and confidence in obtaining expert guidance on issues that they are facing, whether suddenly or following a slow build up.

Sample scenarios for which parents have needed a FAST response have included:

My child has been caught sharing porn at school
My child has been excluded from school
My child is starting to count calories and skip meals
What’s the best way for us to tell the children that we’re divorcing?

These telephone or video appointments are single session consultations that last 40 minutes and are designed to provide parents with tips and guidance on the crisis at hand.


The Soke’s Mental Health MOT is designed according to the individual needs of the client, whether they need to get better or want to perform better.

Some individuals require relatively short-term interventions to assist with a situational crisis, others benefit from coaching, training and integrated development plans.

Every Mental Health MOT is preceded by an assessment to determine the needs, desired benefits and ultimately the goals of any intervention.

The psychological screening consists of:

  • Online assessment, using Dialog, GAD and PHQ

  • 90-minute face-to-face assessment with psychologist or psychiatrist

  • Assessment report produced, to include cognitive health measurement, and recommendations for 1:1 therapy of coaching


For those who work in high pressure environments – whether due to the expectation of delivery, responsibilities of risk mitigation or because they are looking after those with their own expectations or vulnerabilities – the resultant stress and fatigue that can be both testing and cumulative.

Supervision has a positive contribution to make by supporting professionals in troubled times, particularly those whose pressures have been exacerbated by the global pandemic.

It consists of a formal process of professional support, reflection and learning that can contribute enormously to an individual’s sense of wellbeing and capacity to cope. An enhanced ability to manage pressure in a reflective manner leads to a capacity for personal development which influences professional performance.