Depression Maryam Meddin Depression Maryam Meddin

Public Persona v Private Life: Contradictions & Perceptions

It all started last week. The article in the Sun newspaper alleging that a well-known TV presenter had been paying £35,000 in exchange for “sexual photos”. This story catapulted into a national debate about who the personality was. We all played a guessing game within our homes and friendship circles as to who it was, and eventually many presenters felt the need to publicly deny it was them, which in turn only added to more debate and intrigue surrounding a story that to its core remains painful and lifechanging for many of those involved. Fingers where pointed and opinions were at times harsh as the consensus seemed to be that yet again there has been an abuse of power by an overpaid and entitled TV presenter. The young person involved was 17 when the contact began, and their parents stated that they have a crack cocaine addiction that was being fed by the payments. The allegations grew as more young people came forward which only added to the drama and public debate, whilst at the same time, presumably, tightening the noose around the presenter’s neck who stood central to the news story.

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Maryam Meddin Maryam Meddin

Certain Uncertainty: Uncovering Endometriosis

Shockingly, it can take an average of 8 years to diagnose endometriosis, which means many, many more years for many more women. ‘Living’ with endometriosis can be utter agony. Symptoms vary enormously hence difficulties in diagnosis, but what stands out is the pain and suffering endured - bodily, emotionally and psychologically. Many associate endometriosis with painful periods, however this is the tip of the iceberg and this association by many, does a dis-service to people who experience endometriosis on a daily basis. Why is endometriosis still a misunderstood and under-researched condition?

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Adults, Adolescents, CAMHS, Children Maryam Meddin Adults, Adolescents, CAMHS, Children Maryam Meddin

What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

If you are feeling overwhelmed, worrying excessively and experiencing intrusive thoughts, you may be struggling with Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD). A complex mental health condition, which varies from individual to individual, GAD can significantly impact quality of life if excessive feelings of worry, fear and tension, persisting for prolonged periods, disrupt everyday activities.

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Adults Maryam Meddin Adults Maryam Meddin

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Workplace Performance

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how a person makes sense of the world around them. In the workplace, ASD can affect the individual’s communication and social skills, their ability to focus on a task, and the ability to work with others in a team. People who have ASD bring a unique set of skills and strengths to organisation that can help drive innovation, productivity and growth. In this blog we recommend ideas for supporting employees with autism to succeed in the workplace.

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Adults Maryam Meddin Adults Maryam Meddin

ADHD in women

Why is it that women with Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often do not realise that they have ADHD? Dr Chi-Chi Obuaya, The Soke’s Consultant Psychiatrist explains why sometimes an ADHD diagnosis can be missed in women, and why for others it can be a late diagnosis.

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Adults, Adolescents Maryam Meddin Adults, Adolescents Maryam Meddin

What is Schema Therapy?

Dr Katherine Coutsoudis, Chartered Psychologist explains Schema therapy, an integrative model that combines different approaches like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic, Attachment Theory, Gestalt Therapy as well as other experiential approaches.

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Adults Maryam Meddin Adults Maryam Meddin

Men’s Mental Health & Mindfulness

Men’s Mental Health & Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice which allows us to switch off from everyday pressures and focus on the present moment (here and now) as well as pay attention to our bodily sensations, such as breathing deeply and slowly and how this feels right now in an accepting manner

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Family Maryam Meddin Family Maryam Meddin

Parent Coaching (Part 1): Happy Parents

The Soke’s blog series written by Parenting Coach, Lulu Luckock, provide expert advice on ‘Growing Happy Strong Families’. Part 1 of the series is titled: Happy parents raise happy children; it starts with you! Find out more

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Adults Maryam Meddin Adults Maryam Meddin

Connect with purpose

For organisations to connect employees with a sense of purpose, the keystone is trust.

Recently, Soke Performance, the corporate outreach division of The Soke, was asked to deliver a tailored webinar for 24,000 plus staff across 7 locations for a global TechCo. The event offered the opportunity for reflection and learning around the emerging contention for staff of how to manage and balance working at home, in the office and taking the benefits of both, while establishing and maintaining strong relationships between co-workers and teams.

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Children Maryam Meddin Children Maryam Meddin

What is an Educational Psychology Assessment for Children?

In this article we take a look at the private educational psychology assessments for Children and Adolescents provided by The Soke’s Educational Psychologists.

When should a child be referred to an Educational Psychologist?

Children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties can benefit from educational psychological assessments utilising the specialist skills of The Soke’s Educational Psychologists.

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Adults, Children, Adolescents Maryam Meddin Adults, Children, Adolescents Maryam Meddin

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder. This simply means that the brain is wired in a different way. With ADHD there are two main challenges that those with the condition can face. One of these challenges are inattention, whilst the other challenge is hyperactivity and impulsivity.

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